Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Night at The Baxter Hotel

It was quite an interesting experience watching the many different stages of my fellow classmates in regards to the struggles and difficulties memorizing their lines.

Some classmates only just memorized their six lines. Other students had memorized a great deal of their lines. One student only just learned that they had to memorize 6 lines and had originally thought that only one had to bring quotes and interesting facts about their section. While one had memorized all their lines but one illusive line.

Watching these students go through their own individual methods and strategies helped to take the pressure off of me. I was nervous and didn't know what to expect. Like other students I went through my lines without a glitch when the cameraman went through a rehearsal.

However, like other students when the cameraman came by a second time, only this time he was actually recording, I struggled and I think that might have messed up my lines - at least a small part of it.

I am glad that I had the courage to go through with this. It was a memorable experience for I was able to overcome my fear of performing before a camera.

Realizing that I was not alone in my fear - that my fellow classmates were also struggling with their own fears was a source of comfort for me. I took strength in that - I took solace in that.

Ah, it was an interesting night at the Baxter hotel. The cookies were good too.

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