Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Regret For My Time in College

I realize that I have not really lived the college experience here at MSU. You see I originally thought that I would be transferring to another university and in another state. In planning to do so I guess I thought to myself "Why put down roots and make friends when I am not going to stay in Montana long enough to enjoy them." The more roots I put down the harder wit would be for me to leave and at the time staying here was the last thing on my mind.

As a result I have let several possible opportunities for friendship pass me by. I focused primarily on my studies, not that that is a bad thing by any means mind you, and even some of the friendships that I had formed had suffered. The closer I get to graduation the more I think back on this. I see a lot of my classmates in close personal relationships and the more I see this the more I reflect on how I failed to connect and form my own friendships with my classmates.

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